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Meet the Team: Brendan Lim

Hi, my name is Brendan. I'm a 2nd Year student at Monash studying Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. I've joined iGEM as I really enjoy participating in a Laboratory environment. And iGEM was perfect for me as it was a fusion between my passions in Biology and Engineering. For iGEM this year, I'm looking forward to getting the team put together. While, it's been very difficult being the first team in about 10 years, I'm excited to lay down the foundations for our team and potentially future teams too.

"What is one piece of advice you'd give your younger self?"

I think the advice I would give myself would be to slow down and to take your time to learn. And I don't just mean for school and academics but to take your time to learn more about yourself, others and the world. It's a little bit cliché but I think everyone can benefit if they take their time here and there, after all "anything worth doing is worth doing right".

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